NOTO Arts Center, Topeka, KS, will host "Time Warp...and Weft," in November and December 2016 .
The opening reception is on Friday, November 4th, the same night as American Tapestry Biennial 11, at the Mulvane Art Museum, Washburn University, also in Topeka.
[LEFT: 2015 Tapestry Diary, 45 x 12"]
The exhibit will include tapestry diaries and other works that relate to time, by Tommye Scanlin, Kathy Spoering, Janette Meetze, Geri Forkner and Janet Austin.
For more about my tapestry diaries, here is a blog post that describes what they are about. It also has links to earlier posts.
There are 2 posts about the 2015 diary here and here. I'm embarassed to admit that there are NO posts yet about the 2016 diary, though it is already mid-October. Bad Bad Blogger!!!!
I shipped 3 boxes, with 11 pieces last week. Some of them have never left the studio before, so it's very exciting.
The exhibit will include tapestry diaries and other works that relate to time, by Tommye Scanlin, Kathy Spoering, Janette Meetze, Geri Forkner and Janet Austin.
For more about my tapestry diaries, here is a blog post that describes what they are about. It also has links to earlier posts.
There are 2 posts about the 2015 diary here and here. I'm embarassed to admit that there are NO posts yet about the 2016 diary, though it is already mid-October. Bad Bad Blogger!!!!
I shipped 3 boxes, with 11 pieces last week. Some of them have never left the studio before, so it's very exciting.
I will be attending the opening reception and hope to see lots of old and new friends there.