This small tapestry, "Phantom Trees," is at the Wickford Art Association's Members Exhibit until August 11, 2019. Check it out soon!
"Into the Mist" is in Small Tapestry International 6: Beyond the Edge. The first venue at Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA, it ended last week (sorry if you live nearby and missed it....) The second venue is Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL and the opening reception is September 6, 2019. For more info and to purchase the print catalog go here.
Three of my small Chaos tapestries are traveling to Maine for this exhibit:
tapestry: the new wave
August 6-31, Down East Gallery, Edgecomb, ME
(Click on the postcard to enlarge it)
IMPACT: climate change
a collaborative exhibition by TWW (Tapestry Weavers West) and TWiNE (Tapestry Weavers in New England).
First venue: Belmont Gallery of Art, Belmont, MA - Sept 8 - Oct 13, 2109 (reception Sept 15, 1-3)
Second venue: Mills Building, San Francisco, CA, Dec 16, 2019 - March 13, 2020 (reception Jan 30, 2020, 5.30-7.30)