You can read about my Tapestry Holiday Cards in an older post on this blog. Just click the link.
A few days ago, I took the time to visit the Newport Art Museum. This is where my "large" tapestry, "Chaos: After the Storm" has been residing since late August, in the Art League of Rhode Island Members Exhibit. At the opening reception, in September, it was so mobbed that I only got to see half the show, and none of it from a distance. (NOTE: you can click on any photo to see it bigger)
Here is my "large" tapestry (21x33," not so big, but large for me), looking rather small and insignificant hanging on a VERY large wall, among larger works of art. (Second from right, on the bottom) Oh well, it will look enormous hanging in my studio next to its much smaller siblings. Here it is all by itself.
The 2015 Tapestry Diary, is almost done! I will post the complete diary once it's cut off the loom, sometime in January. Meanwhile, here are some tidbits: On TOP is December (Chagall) and a bit of November (Rothko) MIDDLE is October (Jawlensky) and BELOW is September (Johns) and a bit of August (Klee)
Enjoy your holidays, and I'll see you next year, in 2016