Friday, April 15, 2011

Northern New Mexico Studio Tour

In conjunction with Small Tapestry International 2: Passages, the American Tapestry Alliance organized a Northern New Mexico Studio Tour on Saturday, April 2. TourMetierKaren&TerryWe had a mini-bus with local tapestry artist and blogger Rebecca Mezoff as our guide, and a very pleasant and reassuring driver, who ferried us to four studios in the area.The first stop was Metier Gallery, in Dixon, where we saw all kinds of handwoven items, from rugs and tapestries, to baskets and delicious wearables. CentinelaRugsRebeccaNext was Centinela Traditional Arts, in Chimayo, which is owned by the renowned Rio Grande weavers, Irvin and Lisa Trujillo.

Jeane George Weigel wrote two wonderful and thoroughly researched stories about them, with photos and video, on her blog High Road Artist. After you read about Irvin, read part 1, about Lisa here.Centinela,Letty,Judy,ConnieBoth Irvin and Lisa weave gorgeous tapestries and rugs and have won many honors and awards. They also operate a business that sells their own work and that of other local weavers to collectors around the world, enabling many weavers to earn a living. CentinelaLisaTrujillo

Lisa showed us how quickly she can weave a large Saltillo rug, standing at the old loom that Irvin’s father built.

Then we watched Irvin weave on the 12 foot wide loom he designed and built himself.  Very impressive and inspiring.CentinelaDetail

I’m intrigued by the standing looms. I suspect they may be better for the body than sitting all day long.

A fabric weaver friend was diagnosed with a case of Weaver’s Bottom (really!), and standing would certainly prevent that! I don’t know if it’s hard on the feet or any other body parts…. 

IMG_0642We had lunch at the famous Rancho de Chimayo, where we enjoyed comparing the amount of heat in the red sauce vs the green.  I thought the red was a bit hotter, but both were pretty mild.

Then on to Ortegas Weaving Shop, also in Chimayo. This spacious shop has huge piles of rugs from small mug rugs and placemats, to large floor rugs, all with simple traditional designs.

I think the delicate white lines in this piece are called jaspe, but I can’t find any confirmation of that. Please let me know if I’m wrong. Ortega’s also sells clothing made from the handwoven wool fabric.  EVFACThe last studio we visited was the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center, a cooperative gallery and educational facility.EVFACYarnTerry

You can buy all kinds of fiber art there, as well as materials and equipment. 

I was delighted to find some of the lovely white wool warp (Clasgens) that I’d seen Lisa Trujillo using. It’s thinner than any other wool tapestry warp I’ve used before, and I think it will work at 10 epi. I can’t wait to try it out!

We used one of the rooms at EVFAC for a slide show of work by Rebecca Mezoff and Cornelia Theimer Gardella  (Connie).

The slide show included images from  Interwoven Traditions: New Mexico and Bauhaus, a collaboration between Rebecca, Connie, and James Koehler. The exhibit traveled from a modern Albuquerque gallery to a small church, in the medieval town of Erfurt, Germany, last summer and fall. Such beautiful work.Connie'sDyeBook

After the slide show, Connie showed us some actual tapestries, and dye samples (left). We were all impressed with Connie’s perfect tapestry circle, which, as any  tapestry weaver can tell you, is very difficult to achieve.

My photo was taken from a strange angle as the tapestry is fairly large, and it was lying on a table, but you can still see how smoothly the curves are woven.

IConnieTapestryt was a wonderful day, and in addition to visiting the studios, we had the excellent company of our fellow tapestry artists. It was fun catching up with old friends and getting acquainted with new. We arrived back at the hotel with about a half hour to clean up and walk across the street for the opening reception at Weaving Southwest.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Small Tapestry International 2: Passages

TaosMountainstreesWWhen I entered this show, and saw that the first venue was Weaving Southwest, in Taos, NM, I told myself “If I get in, I’m going to the opening.”   I did, so I did!TaosInnSkyWEBI arrived in New Mexico last Thursday, and spent the weekend basking in the dry, sunny, and at times quite warm weather. Aaaahhh. . . After this horrible winter, and the cold rainy spring so far, it was quite a relief.

I stayed at the Historic Taos Inn, a lovely un-hotel-like place, and right across the street from Weaving Southwest. Did I mention that I love Weaving Southwest? and Taos? Now I love the Taos Inn too.  STI2_PassagesI spent most of Friday wandering around Taos looking for a necklace or earrings to match the red border of my tapestry, and luckily I found both! I like to dress to match my tapestries when I attend opening receptions, just in case someone takes my picture in front of my tapestry; wouldn’t want to clash! 

STI2_PassagesWall4I had lunch with fellow tapestry blogger, Kathy Spoering, who was in town to review the show.

Then I attended an Arlo Guthrie concert at the little auditorium right next door to the Taos Inn. Awesome concert, by the way, he’s an amazing performer.STI2_PassagesReceptionThe opening reception was quite well attended, and I’m sorry I didn’t take enough photos, but I was buy schmoozing.  You can see all of the tapestries in the very reasonably priced catalog, or visit the exhibit either in Taos, or at one of the 2 other venues:

Handforth Gallery, Tacoma, WA   June 1 - July 2, 2011

The Cultural Center at Glen Allen, VA   Sept 15 - Oct 30, 2011


The exhibit is sponsored by the American Tapestry Alliance. Kay Lawrence, the Director of the South Australian School of Art, was the juror, and the show includes 47 tapestries by 41 artists.Turning From Chaos

My tapestry is the latest in my Chaos series.

I have a hard time remembering which of the Chaotic Fragments are Parts 1,2,3 and 4, so I decided to give this one has its own name: “Turning From Chaos.”  It’s 10 x 10 inches.